
Fishing in Auburn, Indiana, United States

  1. United States
  2. Indiana
  3. Auburn

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Check out the best fishing spots in Auburn, Indiana. Anglers using Fishbrain have logged: 8,482 catches for Largemouth bass, 1,093 catches for Bluegill, 790 catches for Channel catfish, 510 catches for Black crappie, 326 catches for Smallmouth bass, 311 catches for Northern pike Use Fishbrain to view local fishing regulations, read reviews of local fishing spots, and learn what lures are most successful in Auburn. Become a Pro subscriber to see when and where fish are being caught and logged in Fishbrain. Whether you use the free version of Fishbrain or upgrade to Fishbrain Pro, you can find a diverse range of successful fishing spots in Auburn, and get tips on how to increase your fishing success!

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Fishing regulations in Auburn

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Map of Mirror Lake© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
I like it
Avatar of dakotawest6121

now before I start the review I'm gonna say that mirror lake is exclusive to saint Francis college. but other than that the fishing is very good. me and 4 other people in my group were constantly getting bites all day only few parts were dull. there are quite big large mouth bass (2-4lbs). all in all not a bad place and I would go again.

Map of Atwood Lake© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
Decent and tricky
Avatar of kclouse8248

Atwood lake is a beautiful lake, water is clear and you can see bottom almost everywhere. There are a lot of fish here including perch, carp, blue gills, crappie, bowfin,pike, gar, and both large and smallmouth bass. Tricky part is it’s also full of weeds and can be hard to fish most of the time. If you can find a way to fish the extra weedy areas without wrapping your motor up you could pull out some really nice sized fish.