Plan and prepare with waypoints

Have you ever been out fishing and found a great honey-hole, but didn’t quite remember where that spot was next time you were out? Drop a waypoint in the Fishbrain app by long-pressing anywhere on the map. Add a note, change the icon, and customize the title. You’ll never have to remember that honey-hole ever again.

Never forget that honey-hole with the fishbrain app

Never forget that honey-hole

Waypoints allows you to mark exactly where you found a great catch in the past. Whether that was a school of fish, great fishing spot, or where you caught your latest personal best, drop a waypoint and remember it for later.

Fishing regulation made easy

Remember specific structures

Want to avoid the spot where you lost your lure? Note down that particularly good patch of weeds where you landed that monster? Fishbrain has you covered.

Make your fishing trip easier

Want a picnic area nearby? Or a slipway for your boat? Track the amenities you care about including parking, shelter, bonfires, gas, and electricity.

Your custom map

Add your own notes and photos to customise your map for the way you like to fish.

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Download Fishbrain and fish smarter
Unlimited access to the best fishing spot finder in the game. Get all the fishing intel you need to start catching more, and bigger, fish.

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