
Fishing in Pueblo, Colorado, United States

  1. United States
  2. Colorado
  3. Pueblo

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Check out the best fishing spots in Pueblo, Colorado. Anglers using Fishbrain have logged: 2,606 catches for Rainbow trout, 2,299 catches for Largemouth bass, 1,653 catches for Smallmouth bass, 911 catches for Walleye, 616 catches for Bluegill, 587 catches for Channel catfish Use Fishbrain to view local fishing regulations, read reviews of local fishing spots, and learn what lures are most successful in Pueblo. Become a Pro subscriber to see when and where fish are being caught and logged in Fishbrain. Whether you use the free version of Fishbrain or upgrade to Fishbrain Pro, you can find a diverse range of successful fishing spots in Pueblo, and get tips on how to increase your fishing success!

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Fishing regulations in Pueblo

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Map of Mineral Palace Park Pond© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
Great SoCo fishery!
Avatar of AllmouthBassing

I've fished most of the water in Pueblo and surrounding areas and the res is easily the best place to fish for bass, and great for other species too! it's a huge body of water, something like 60 acres of shoreline, so whether boating or bank fishing you really can't go wrong! 👍

Map of Peck Creek© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
Peck Creek southside of Reservoir
Avatar of mikecuppy

This review applies to the fishing acces on the Southside of Lake Pueblo off Highway 96. This is one of our favorite fishing spots. we always catch fish here. There is good access to a lot of shoreline and nice coves. We have Spotted Bass, Smallmouth, largemouth, walleye and even the rare tiger muskie.