Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
New Mexico, United States
Logged catches
Tiger muskellunge
length · weight
Rainbow trout
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Blue Water Tank is a water located in New Mexico, United States. It is most popular for fishing Tiger muskellunge and Rainbow trout.
angel_505 +2 others fish here
New Mexico fishing license
5 logged catches
Top species: Tiger muskellunge
12 logged catches
Top species: Channel catfish, Flathead catfish, Smallmouth bass
4 logged catches
Top species: Flathead catfish, Largemouth bass
147 logged catches
Top species: Rainbow trout, Bluegill, Green sunfish
Top species: Largemouth bass
0 logged catches
56 logged catches
Top species: Largemouth bass, Channel catfish, Common carp
Top species: Largemouth bass, Channel catfish, Black bullhead
15 logged catches
Top species: Largemouth bass, Common carp, Channel catfish
17 logged catches
Top species: Largemouth bass, Yellow bullhead, Channel catfish
35.3 miles away
44.7 miles away
54.1 miles away
58.8 miles away
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63.4 miles away
87.9 miles away
109.4 miles away
111.1 miles away
123.3 miles away
138.7 miles away
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146.5 miles away
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161.2 miles away
168.4 miles away
169.5 miles away
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178.4 miles away
195.9 miles away
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