Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
Louisiana, United States
Logged catches
Spotted seatrout
length Β· weight
Red drum
33 in Β· 12 lb
Sand seatrout
Channel catfish
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Lake Palourde is a lake located in Louisiana, United States. It is most popular for fishing Spotted seatrout, Channel catfish, and Sand seatrout.
gtassin +3 others fish here
Louisiana fishing license
1 ratings
8 logged catches
Top species: Spotted seatrout, Red drum, Gafftopsail sea catfish
673 logged catches
2 new
Top species: Red drum, Spotted seatrout, Black drum
49 logged catches
Top species: Red drum, Spotted seatrout, Sheepshead
6 logged catches
Top species: Spotted seatrout, Red drum, Bull shark
116 logged catches
27 logged catches
Top species: Spotted seatrout, Red drum, Largemouth bass
7 logged catches
Top species: Red drum, Spotted seatrout
9 logged catches
Top species: Spotted seatrout, Red drum
4 logged catches
Top species: Atlantic tripletail
122 logged catches
Top species: Spotted seatrout, Red drum, Northern red snapper
43.2 miles away
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