
Fishing in Concord, New Hampshire, United States

  1. United States
  2. New Hampshire
  3. Concord

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Check out the best fishing spots in Concord, New Hampshire. Anglers using Fishbrain have logged: 18,305 catches for Largemouth bass, 6,021 catches for Smallmouth bass, 2,727 catches for Chain pickerel, 2,152 catches for Bluegill, 1,578 catches for Yellow perch, 1,213 catches for Rock bass Use Fishbrain to view local fishing regulations, read reviews of local fishing spots, and learn what lures are most successful in Concord. Become a Pro subscriber to see when and where fish are being caught and logged in Fishbrain. Whether you use the free version of Fishbrain or upgrade to Fishbrain Pro, you can find a diverse range of successful fishing spots in Concord, and get tips on how to increase your fishing success!

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Fishing regulations in Concord

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Map of Uncanoonuc Lake© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
Great Lake for bass
Avatar of OwenHubb

This lake is littered with hundreds of bass, a lot of them with some size as well. Shore fishing is mediocre cuz all of the available shore fishing is really a shallow, the kayak/canoe is definitely the way to go. Best ways to catch bass are to go in 4-8 ft of water and fish with a senko/soft plastic around fallen logs or stumps.

Map of Pleasant Lake© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
A Misplaced Lakes Region Lake
Avatar of Bassmaster_201

In many aspects, Pleasant Lake feels like a lakes region lake, except it’s tucked away in southeastern NH. The main features of Pleasant is deep, clear water, sand flats, rocks piles, and plenty of docks. There’s good size for largies and smallies here, but the fishing can be extremely tough at times especially once the summer months roll around. The boat ramp and parking is pretty good. The only quirk being is you have to back your boat across the road.