
Fishing in Union, Missouri, United States

  1. United States
  2. Missouri
  3. Union

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Check out the best fishing spots in Union, Missouri. Anglers using Fishbrain have logged: 9,248 catches for Largemouth bass, 1,769 catches for Channel catfish, 1,161 catches for Bluegill, 484 catches for Green sunfish, 430 catches for Spotted bass, 381 catches for White crappie Use Fishbrain to view local fishing regulations, read reviews of local fishing spots, and learn what lures are most successful in Union. Become a Pro subscriber to see when and where fish are being caught and logged in Fishbrain. Whether you use the free version of Fishbrain or upgrade to Fishbrain Pro, you can find a diverse range of successful fishing spots in Union, and get tips on how to increase your fishing success!

Fishing regulations in Union

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Map of Klondike Lake© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
A Unique Park
Avatar of robertlayne

Klondike’s one of my favorite parks. It was a silica mine that has been converted to a park. A unique and attractive feature is its white sand lake. There is a trail around the lake with numerous places to drop a line for fishing. Keep your eyes open in the sandy areas and you may spot cactus growing. The park located in Missouri wine country and has a couple trails, access to the Katy Trail, camping and cabins.

Map of Kraut Run Lake© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
Really nice fishing spot
Avatar of austinlarson3825

Really nice Flathead and Channel cat lake come up right on the crappie beds which are all over the lake, you can also easily get some crappie while waiting for bites. Sadly you can’t use crappie for bait which would be really good for flathead. There is some chad that are easy to catch for bait, and some bluegill that you can just use worms for.