
Fishing in Lawrence, Massachusetts, United States

  1. United States
  2. Massachusetts
  3. Lawrence

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Check out the best fishing spots in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Anglers using Fishbrain have logged: 54,910 catches for Largemouth bass, 7,919 catches for Chain pickerel, 7,241 catches for Bluegill, 7,230 catches for Striped bass, 5,128 catches for Smallmouth bass, 4,426 catches for Yellow perch Use Fishbrain to view local fishing regulations, read reviews of local fishing spots, and learn what lures are most successful in Lawrence. Become a Pro subscriber to see when and where fish are being caught and logged in Fishbrain. Whether you use the free version of Fishbrain or upgrade to Fishbrain Pro, you can find a diverse range of successful fishing spots in Lawrence, and get tips on how to increase your fishing success!

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Fishing regulations in Lawrence

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Map of Round Pond© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
Fishing on glass
Avatar of trumanforbes

The water is so clear, awesome time just looking around seeing large snapping turtles low flying birds and plenty of bass. A small boat or kayak really enhances the experience, but you can see people catching 2-3 lbs fish right off shore. Right next to a major road so expect a lot of noise.

Map of Stiles Pond© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
Awesome place
Avatar of Frankie9989

Its an awesome place to fish. Alot of pickerel and alot of bass but the bass ive seen and caught havent been overly big at this pond. The trout are good here too after stocking. I even heard they’re are crappie bass in here but i dont think they can be caught from the dam. Alot of rock bass too according to people i know.