Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
British Columbia, Canada
Logged catches
Northern pikeminnow
length Β· weight
Coastal cutthroat trout
15 in Β· 1 lb 2 oz
2 in Β· 4 oz
17 in Β· 2 lb
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Viking Creek is a stream located in British Columbia, Canada. It is most popular for fishing Coastal cutthroat trout, Northern pikeminnow, and Kokanee salmon.
lcoles4132 +2 others fish here
1 ratings
7 logged catches
Top species: Kokanee salmon, Rainbow trout, Largemouth bass
6 logged catches
Top species: Largemouth bass
5 logged catches
Top species: Coho salmon
4 logged catches
Top species: White sturgeon, Brook trout
Top species: Mountain whitefish, Northern pikeminnow, Rainbow trout
36 logged catches
Top species: Rainbow trout, Coastal cutthroat trout, Chum salmon
8 logged catches
Top species: Coho salmon, Chum salmon, Rainbow trout
34 logged catches
Top species: Kokanee salmon, Coastal cutthroat trout, Rainbow trout
Top species: Pink salmon, Largemouth bass, Pacific staghorn sculpin
Top species: Rainbow trout, Northern pikeminnow, Pumpkinseed
25.3 miles away
32.6 miles away
38.8 miles away
56.5 miles away
57.8 miles away
62.2 miles away
70.9 miles away
78.1 miles away
80.4 miles away
86.4 miles away
90.6 miles away
92.2 miles away
94.8 miles away
95.1 miles away
97.4 miles away
98.8 miles away
101.0 miles away
101.3 miles away
101.4 miles away
101.9 miles away
102.9 miles away
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104.1 miles away
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