Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
British Columbia, Canada
Logged catches
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Shortnose spurdog
Grey smooth-hound
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Plumper Cove is a water located in British Columbia, Canada. It is most popular for fishing Grey smooth-hound.
jacksonbergman7818 +2 others fish here
1 ratings
7 logged catches
Top species: Chinook salmon
3 logged catches
Top species: Brown rockfish, Whitespotted greenling, Coastal cutthroat trout
11 logged catches
Top species: Bluntnose sixgill shark, Copper rockfish, Whitespotted greenling
Top species: Pink salmon
4 logged catches
Top species: Chinook salmon, Pink salmon, Coho salmon
13 logged catches
Top species: Chinook salmon, Kelp greenling, Cabezon
5 logged catches
Top species: Chinook salmon, Pacific halibut, Whitespotted greenling
27 logged catches
Top species: Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, Whitespotted greenling
18 logged catches
Top species: Coastal cutthroat trout, Lake Crescent cutthroat trout, Cutthroat trout
Top species: Pink salmon, Copper rockfish, Starry flounder
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