Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
Koulikoro Region, Mali
Logged catch
Monkeyface prickleback
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Kotorotou is a water located in Koulikoro Region, Mali.
Only tbecker4123 fishes here
64 logged catches
Top species: Redbelly tilapia, African Jewelfish, Bagrid catfish
Kayes Region, Mali
2 logged catches
3 logged catches
Tombouctou Region, Mali
5 logged catches
Nzerekore Region, Guinea
4 logged catches
6 logged catches
Grand Cape Mount, Liberia
27 logged catches
18 logged catches
Top species: Great barracuda, Blue runner, Yellowfin tuna
Leinster, Ireland
680 logged catches
Top species: Northern pike, European perch, Brown trout
525 logged catches
1 new
Top species: Atlantic pollock, Lesser spotted dogfish, Ballan wrasse
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