Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
Queensland, Australia
Logged catches
Moses perch
length Β· weight
Dusky shark
12 in Β· 15 lb
Australian spotted mackerel
28 in Β· 4 lb 5 oz
Pacific shovelnose guitarfish
Dusky flathead
Sand flathead
Jarbua terapon
Bartail flathead
13 in Β· 12 lb
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Woody Bay is a water located in Queensland, Australia. It is most popular for fishing Largespotted dart, Sand sillago, and Swallowtail dart.
1 ratings
997 logged catches
4 new
Top species: Surf bream, Dusky flathead, Moses perch
139 logged catches
Top species: Dusky flathead, Sand sillago, Bull shark
1,544 logged catches
1 new
Top species: Dusky flathead, Surf bream, Australasian snapper
319 logged catches
Top species: Australasian snapper, Surf bream, Dusky flathead
78 logged catches
Top species: Surf bream, Dusky flathead, Sand sillago
964 logged catches
Top species: Surf bream, Dusky flathead, Australasian snapper
254 logged catches
Top species: Dusky flathead, Surf bream, Javelin grunter
381 logged catches
2 new
13 logged catches
Top species: Malabar grouper, Australian spotted mackerel, Australasian snapper
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