Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
Western Australia, Australia
Logged catches
Surf bream
length · weight
Southern black bream
Australasian snapper
Goldlined seabream
Blue-spotted flathead
King George whiting
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hill is a part of an ocean located in Western Australia, Australia. It is most popular for fishing Australasian snapper, Silver drummer, and Bluefish.
Toms_fishing2004 +127 others fish here
14 ratings
51 logged catches
Top species: Australasian snapper, Westralian jewfish, Breaksea cod
43 logged catches
Top species: Bluefish, King George whiting, Port Jackson shark
50 logged catches
Top species: Australasian snapper, Skipjack trevally, Australian barracuda
4 logged catches
Top species: Bluefish
10 logged catches
Top species: Cobbler, Blacktip shark, Surge wrasse
19 logged catches
Top species: Common carp, Japanese meagre, White trevally
27 logged catches
Top species: Japanese meagre, Cobbler, Australian ruff
79 logged catches
Top species: Bluefish, Australasian snapper, Port Jackson shark
235 logged catches
Top species: Bluefish, Australasian snapper, Goldlined seabream
75 logged catches
Top species: Westralian jewfish, Australasian snapper, Southern bluefin tuna
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