Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
Western Australia, Australia
Logged catches
Western Australian salmon
length ยท weight
White trevally
Sand sillago
Southern garfish
Brownspotted wrasse
Atlantic herring
King George whiting
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Ledge Bay is a water located in Western Australia, Australia. It is most popular for fishing King George whiting, White trevally, and Brownspotted wrasse.
brucerowland +1 fish here
113 logged catches
Top species: Common carp, European perch, Southern black bream
4 logged catches
Top species: King George whiting, Australasian snapper, White trevally
49 logged catches
Top species: Southern black bream, Southern calamari, King George whiting
8 logged catches
Top species: Australasian snapper, Chinook salmon, Breaksea cod
3 logged catches
Top species: King George whiting, Japanese meagre
16 logged catches
Top species: King George whiting, Southern black bream, White trevally
5 logged catches
Top species: Spotted wobbegong, Western Australian salmon
11 logged catches
Top species: King George whiting, Sergeant Baker, Western Australian salmon
13 logged catches
Top species: Six-spined leatherjacket, Skipjack trevally, Southern calamari
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