Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
Western Australia, Australia
Logged catches
Talang queenfish
length Β· weight
Bartail flathead
Spanish flag snapper
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Goldwyer Well is a water located in Western Australia, Australia. It is most popular for fishing Bartail flathead, Spanish flag snapper, and Talang queenfish.
dvictor4730 +3 others fish here
7 logged catches
Top species: Golden trevally, Longtail tuna, Barramundi
Top species: Talang queenfish, Japanese meagre, Australasian snapper
4 logged catches
Top species: Crevalle jack, Spanish flag snapper
90 logged catches
Top species: Giant trevally, Golden trevally, Talang queenfish
52 logged catches
Top species: Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Golden trevally, Leopard coralgrouper
10 logged catches
Top species: Golden trevally, Snubnose pompano, Blackspot tuskfish
31 logged catches
Top species: Barramundi, Talang queenfish, Golden trevally
24 logged catches
Top species: King threadfin, Crevalle jack, Golden trevally
6 logged catches
Top species: King threadfin, African pompano
12 logged catches
Top species: Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Blackspot tuskfish, Blubberlip snapper
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