Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
N Ireland, United Kingdom
Logged catches
European flounder
length · weight
European conger
Yellow perch
Red grouper
Atlantic mackerel
Rainbow trout
Dusky smooth-hound
Atlantic pollock
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Carnlough Bay is a water located in N Ireland, United Kingdom. It is most popular for fishing Atlantic mackerel, Atlantic cod, and Atlantic pollock.
RoryOn123 +7 others fish here
1 ratings
17 logged catches
Top species: Ballan wrasse, Atlantic pollock, Atlantic cod
15 logged catches
Top species: European conger, Pouting, Atlantic cod
Top species: Brown trout
48 logged catches
Top species: Brown trout, Rainbow trout, Sea trout
Top species: Atlantic cod, Ballan wrasse, Lesser spotted dogfish
105 logged catches
Top species: Ballan wrasse, Brown trout, Atlantic pollock
7 logged catches
Top species: Common roach, Starry smooth-hound, Pouting
4 logged catches
Top species: Atlantic cod, Pollack
16 logged catches
Top species: Brown trout, Pollack, Longspined bullhead
Top species: Cuckoo wrasse
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