Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
Western Australia, Australia
Logged catches
Bartail flathead
length Β· weight
Sand sillago
Yellowtail Grunter
Goldlined seabream
12 in Β· 2 lb
16 in Β· 2 lb
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Lucky Bay is a water located in Western Australia, Australia. It is most popular for fishing Bartail flathead, Southern black bream, and Yellowtail Grunter.
dean.eldrid +19 others fish here
5 logged catches
Top species: Australasian snapper, Tope shark, Westralian jewfish
4 logged catches
Top species: Australasian snapper
251 logged catches
4 new
Top species: Southern black bream, Bartail flathead, Bluefish
18 logged catches
Top species: Bluefish, King George whiting, Striped mullet
58 logged catches
Top species: Southern black bream, Bluefish, Bartail flathead
98 logged catches
207 logged catches
1 new
Top species: Bluefish, Bartail flathead, Southern black bream
167 logged catches
Top species: Southern black bream, Bluefish, Goldlined seabream
54 logged catches
Top species: Australasian snapper, Tope shark
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