Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
South Australia, Australia
Logged catches
Southern black bream
length · weight
Japanese meagre
Australian salmon
Smooth toadfish
Zebra fish
Western Australian salmon
Cape elephantfish
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Rocky Bay is a water located in South Australia, Australia. It is most popular for fishing Australian salmon, Japanese meagre, and Southern black bream.
jack.kennett.smith +5 others fish here
8 logged catches
Top species: Australian ruff, Silver sweep, Australian salmon
31 logged catches
Top species: Southern black bream, Southern bluefin tuna, Harlequin fish
4 logged catches
Top species: European perch
18 logged catches
Top species: Yellow-eye mullet, Australian salmon
20 logged catches
Top species: Common carp, Australian salmon, Southern black bream
5 logged catches
Top species: Australian ruff, Yellowfin sillago, Silver trevally
6 logged catches
Top species: Australian salmon, Yellow-eye mullet, Sea sweep
133 logged catches
Top species: Southern black bream, Australasian snapper, Australian salmon
9 logged catches
Top species: European perch, Australian salmon, Yellow-eye mullet
103 logged catches
Top species: Southern black bream, Australian salmon, Southern calamari
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