All the data from the Fish Rules App is now live on Fishbrain. Get salt and freshwater data from from all over at the touch of a button and fish with confidence, like never before.
Fishing regulations are some of the most complicated and important aspects to sport and commercial fishing. Legal, sustainable and ethical fishing cannot be a guessing game. Lucky for every Fishbrain member, we just took the guesswork out of it.
Back in December of 2021, Fishbrain was excited to announce a new partnership with the Fish Rules app. Today we can hardly contain our excitement as we offer those exact same rules on the Fishbrain App.
Now whenever you are fishing new water, or are curious about regulations on familiar water you can quickly and effortlessly check your Fishbrain app. You will also find important regulations regarding open species to fish for, size restrictions, harvest rules and more.
Where can I get regulations for?
On Fishbrain you can find regulations for saltwater fishing in federal and state regulated waters from Maine all the way to Texas and Hawaii.
Freshwater anglers can find regulations for: Florida, Alabama, Texas, North Dakota, Louisiana, Mississippi and Ohio. If you don’t see your state on the list yet, just hold tight as new states are being worked on and added every month.
How often are regulations updated?
Some regulations seem to change with the direction of the wind and because of that we understand the importance of up to date information. Regulations on the app are updated directly from state agency websites as the regulations are updated. This provides the fastest solution you could want for getting the up to date regulations you need. Never again will you fumble with paper regulations, looking up legal descriptions that you need a lawyer to decipher.
How do I check regulations?
To check regulations, open your map and scroll to where you are fishing, or where you’re looking to fish. From your map, then tap on the regulations icon on the bottom left corner of your screen. When you open the regulations for the selected area you will see the name of the area with the coordinates you are accustomed to using and a list of regulated species within this area. You can filter saltwater and freshwater species with a status for each species if the season is open, closed or it’s prohibited to catch a specific species. If you tap on Regulations for any of the regulated species, you will see all the information about the season length, bag limit, max size of the fish and measurement information as well as prohibited methods.
Nobody respects fishing regulations more than us at Fishbrain and we are happy and proud to provide you the easiest access to these regulations. No longer will you wonder where you can fish, how you can fish, or what you can keep as long as you have Fishbrain by your side. We hope to give you the confidence you need to fish almost anywhere and the power for all anglers to ethically enjoy the greatest sport known to the world.
Now let’s go fishing. We’ll bring the regulations.
If you haven't experienced the #1 fishing app worldwide, make sure and check out Fishbrain to see all the fish data, fishing spots, weather conditions you've been missing out on plus much more.