Learn about the features on Fishbrain Pro and how they help take your fishing to the next level.
Fishbrain has always offered some of the best fishing data to help anglers set more hooks and land more fish. By upgrading to Fishbrain Pro, you can find even more functions that will take you to the best fishing spots, tie on the most effective baits for a specific body of water, pick the best times to fish for specific species, and utilize Navionics depth maps.
We are all looking for that next, best, fishing spot all to ourselves. Fishbrain’s Spot Prediction does this by analyzing map structures for the areas where people catch fish through artificial intelligence, suggesting similar water areas that have not been discovered yet.
The suggestions are areas with few, or no catch reports from other users and are marked by different shades of yellow. The brighter the spot is in yellow, the more likely you are to set your hook at that spot.
Imagine fishing a brand new spot with limited time. You want to spend your precious hours with a line in the water, not searching aimlessly for a spot to cast. Pull up Fishbrain Pro and the Spot Prediction will lead you directly to where you should be fishing.
Marks potential fishing spots off the beaten path
Spots are marked obviously on your map in yellow
The lighter the shade of yellow, the more potential each spot has
Predictions are based off successful users and structure of the water
Fishbrain has mapped millions of acres of government-owned land across the US to help you identify public land and potential fishing access. This map layer is available to Fishbrain Pro members (iOS only), and can be enabled through the “Map Options” settings in the Fishbrain map.
When the map layer is enabled, government-owned land parcels will be highlighted throughout the Fishbrain map. Tap on any parcel to get more information about the land, including the name of the area, its designation, and its owner. You can enable and disable the layer anytime through the "Map Options" menu (top right corner).
Nobody wants to trespass, right? This map layer makes it easy to identify potential shoreline access, as well as boundaries for national, state and local parks that often offer excellent fishing opportunities.
Millions of acres of land mapped across all 50 US states
Areas highlighted in white and green that show you information about the places as you tap it
It’s always nice to know how many, and what type of catches were made on a particular body of water. The information can give you confidence when fishing new water, but knowing exact catch positions on the water is priceless.
Fishbrain Pro members can access exact waypoints of where other users made public catches on any body of water. The waypoints give insight into what sort of structure fish are being caught in, or which banks are more productive than others. Members can even tap on any catch waypoint they see to bring up important information like species, weather conditions, bait used and more.
Public catches in the map are displayed as green pins, and are visible to all Fishbrain Pro members. Tap any green pin to get more information about that specific catch. Your own private catch locations are displayed as red pins. These are for your eyes only, no other Fishbrain members will be able to see these locations.
Note: Setting a waypoint is completely optional and users can choose from several different privacy settings when posting a catch.
Crowdsourced fishing data is at your fingertips. Gain access to the insight from the anglers before you by seeing where they focus their fishing, what conditions led to their success and what baits and techniques did they utilize. Do a quick scan for catch positions on any body of water to look for this invaluable data and make the most out of every cast. A “new” badge connected to any catch indicates that the fish was caught within the last 14 days.
Insight into where productive areas are on every body of water
Data regarding catch conditions, techniques and gear
When Spring is coming up, whether you’re preparing for runoff, the steelhead migration, or a safe level to boat, river gauges are a crucial tool and now you can access them anytime on Fishbrain.
Fishbrain Pro users can find river gauges on the map (iOS only) easily. The gauges pull real time information from 10,000+ USGS gauges located across the country.
With one quick tap you can determine river flow rates or the water temperature. Gauge waypoints appear on your map as a blue wave icon with an arrow and can be turned on via the map options sidebar.
Don't waste any time by guessing what the river levels are, know before you go
Pick several gauges to monitor on different sections of river.
The best day on the water is nothing if you’re throwing the wrong bait, and the best bait in one pond isn't always the best in another. Millions of users utilize Fishbrain and contribute to an ever increasing amount of information regarding baits and lures. This massive amount of data helps users figure out what to tie on for their first cast.
When you select a specific species on Fishbrain Pro, you can also see some of the best lures and baits used within the community for catching that particular species.
Look up any fish species you are after and crowd sourced data provides you with the most popular lure, bait, or fly selections for catching that particular species. The lures and baits are then ranked from most popular to least and even provide the amount of catches featuring each one. The information will save you countless time and money when choosing what to tie on for your first cast of the day.
Often choosing the right lure can take multiple attempts, but just like catch filters, Top Baits offers you the gift of time. After you find the perfect spot to cast from with Spot Prediction, Top Baits gives you the most educated idea of which lures and baits you should be tying on first. Shows the most used baits/lures used to catch specific species.
Ranks baits/lures from most to least used by other users
Ranked lures available for all species
Knowing the contours, drop offs and shallows of any body of water will give you an edge. Depth charts are the key to knowing this information and when you join Fishbrain Pro you get access to some of the best depth charts available directly on the Fishbrain map.
Pro members can choose between Navionics depth charts and C-maps for some of the most intricate and accurate information found on any platform. C-maps offers crowdsourced depth information suitable for smaller bodies of water and in specific locations in North America, while Navionics is the leading name in depth chart graphs and is suitable for large bodies of water and oceans.
You can cast all day, but if you are unfamiliar with the bottom of the lake, or ocean, you may not set many hooks. A quick tap on your Fishbrain App, however, will give you precise data on how deep your section of water is and where you need to travel to find those perfect holding areas. Combine this info with catch locations and hot spots and you will spend far more time catching, than fishing.
Two types of depth maps suitable for your individual areas and needs
Switch between depth maps seamlessly
Depth charts appear directly onto your FIshbrain map
Charts are compatible with all other Fishbrain data like waypoints, catches and hotspots
Weather patterns are paramount to planning a safe and successful fishing trip. Not only will they determine if you get wet, or stay dry, but the weather will also play a large part in fish bite patterns. Different species will often react to different weather and times of day differently and this will have large effects on peak bite times.
Fishbrain Pro solves these issues by not only giving you a complete and comprehensive weather forecast for your specific area, but times of peak activity for specific species as well. Access weather by tapping on your map and then the weather icon on the right. From there, toggle between complete weather forecasts and bite times by tapping the header at the top.
Plan your days in advance by keeping a keen eye on weather patterns for your trip. Combine that information with peak bite times for species you’re looking to target to optimize your day on the water and take full advantage of every cast.
Full weather patterns, temperatures and forecasts for your area
Peak bite times for all the species found in your favorite bodies of water
Easily toggle between weather and bite times to plan your fishing trips
If you haven’t experienced Fishbrain Pro yet, sign up for a free trial and see how you can easily take your fishing game to the next level.