Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Logged catches
Jarbua terapon
length Β· weight
Mangrove snapper
Barcheek trevally
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Kuala Bakung is a stream located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is most popular for fishing Barcheek trevally and Jarbua terapon.
henderinayoris +1 fish here
16 logged catches
Top species: Orange-lined triggerfish, Spotted coralgrouper, Moon wrasse
0 logged catches
3 logged catches
Top species: Indonesian snakehead
East Kalimantan, Indonesia
4 logged catches
27 logged catches
Top species: Giant trevally, Leopard coralgrouper, Dogtooth tuna
Top species: Giant trevally
5 logged catches
Top species: Giant trevally, Indo-Pacific tarpon, Talang queenfish
Top species: Atlantic tripletail, Giant trevally
Top species: Pickhandle barracuda
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