Fishing spots, fishing reports, and regulations in
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Logged catches
Yellowtail horse mackerel
3 in Β· 1 lb
Sand sillago
Sagor sea catfish
10 in Β· 1 lb
Indian anchovy
1 in Β·
White crappie
length Β· weight
Mackerel scad
7 in Β· 1 lb
Mangrove snapper
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Middle Bank is a water located in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. It is most popular for fishing Sagor sea catfish, Yellowtail horse mackerel, and Indian anchovy.
nickburp +3 others fish here
10 logged catches
Top species: Barramundi, Javelin grunter, Whitespotted bamboo shark
Top species: Sagor sea catfish, Short-nosed tripodfish, Spotted green pufferfish
5 logged catches
Top species: Sagor sea catfish, Broadbanded cardinalfish, Spotted scat
8 logged catches
Top species: Sagor sea catfish, Half-smooth golden pufferfish, Jarbua terapon
4 logged catches
Top species: Giant guitarfish, Crevalle jack
7 logged catches
Top species: Hampala barb, Indonesian snakehead
Kedah, Malaysia
Perak, Malaysia
Top species: Indonesian snakehead
Top species: Mozambique tilapia
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