Fishing for Big-scale sand smelt

Atherina boyeri
1 logged catch • 1 follower

The big-scale sand smelt is a small, slender fish with a translucent body and larger scales, often found in coastal waters and estuaries of the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. It typically grows up to 6 inches and weighs a few ounces. The species is known for its schooling behavior and is often seen swimming near the water's surface. This summary is AI generated

Recently caught Big-scale sand smelt

Detailed Information

Fishing forecast


Water type

Saltwater / Freshwater / Mixed

IUCN Status

Least concern

Threat to humans


Source: Fishbase

Top Baits

According to catch data from over 15 million anglers on Fishbrain, these are the top baits used to catch Big-scale sand smelt.

Bait name

Top fishing spots near you to catch Big-scale sand smelt

These are the top places near you to catch Big-scale sand smelt based on live data from Fishbrain.

Recently caught Big-scale sand smelt

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