Fishing for Pirate perch

Aphredoderus sayanus
24 logged catches • 11 followers

The pirate perch is a small freshwater fish native to North America. It typically grows up to 5.5 inches and weighs around 0.2 pounds. With a dark, mottled body and a unique forward-positioned vent, it inhabits slow-moving streams and swamps. Its diet consists mainly of insects and small crustaceans. Known for its nocturnal behavior, it often hides among vegetation. This summary is AI generated

Lucas_C_Fishin, Fishbrain Pro angler since 2018

Recently caught Pirate perch

Detailed Information

Fishing forecast


Water type


IUCN Status

Least concern

Threat to humans


Source: Fishbase

Top Baits

According to catch data from over 15 million anglers on Fishbrain, these are the top baits used to catch Pirate perch.

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Top fishing spots near you to catch Pirate perch

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