Find out the new functions and features from Fishbrain, just in time to start your fishing season.
Spring is the unofficial start to a new fishing season. The weather, sunlight and active fish all remind us of why we fell in love with fishing in the first place. For those who hung up their rod, put away the tackle box and closed their Fishbrian App, it's time to get back on the water. While fishing sometimes takes a hiatus after summer, we are always working to help you set more hooks with the Fishbrain App.
Change is the only constant when it comes to the fishing data you need. Lure preferences change, fish migrate, weather changes and each of these have an affect on how fish feed. To keep up with these factors Fishbrain is always working to update our app functions.
If you weren’t already thrilled about another spring and another season of fishing at your fingertips, check out some of the Fishbrain updates you may have missed since last summer.
Custom Gear additions
Fish can be picky. We’ve all felt neglected because our buzz bait was the wrong shade, or because our fly was two sizes too big. Millions of lures line the shelves of stores and while we strived to have as many popular lures as possible on the Fishbrain App we couldn’t get every variation, or specialized lure. Until now.
Fishbrain users can now add whatever gear they want to their catch reports.
To load new gear
. When adding a catch, tap the “Bait and Gear Used” box
. Tap “Add Gear” in the top right corner
. Select what type of gear you are adding
. Take a photo of your gear and upload the details
The Custom Gear addition will be extremely helpful not only for your own records, but if you’re ever studying catch uploads from the user feed, or map. Fishing often comes down to the details and now we are providing you another opportunity to nail those details and set the hook.
My Area filtering
Fishing can be all about the locale. Anglers may enjoy peeking into what’s biting across the country, but what really matters to us is what is biting in our local waters. The same goes for certain species in those local waters. Some anglers are just happy for a bent rod, but others want specific information on which specific species are biting.
Now you can choose which kinds of waters you see and which species of fish you would like populated on your local feed as well. So if you’re an Ohio angler only concerned with walleye in Lake Erie, you can filter your social feed to only show freshwater catches and walleye.
Saltwater anglers can also set their feed for saltwater specific catches and even brackish waters can be filtered, as well.
To filter your area
. Tap “Community” icon in the lower left corner
. Tap “My Area” in the top left of your screen
. Select species from their pictures and names in the middle of the screen
. Select between fresh/saltwater, fresh only, salt only, or brackish only
Most anglers don't travel far from their home waters, which makes knowing what's biting near you and what they’re biting on even more important.
Log a catch flow
We switched up some of the steps you take when logging a catch and for very good reason.
Now you need to fill out the catch location and your preferred privacy level before filling out your other catch stats, like weight, length etc. We changed this flow because privacy and location settings allow us to filter species more accurately for species recognition. We can now filter out species that aren't in your region to give a more accurate prediction of the fish you caught. Now if you’re unsure of the species you caught, Fishbrain can act faster and more accurate than ever to identify your catch.
Fish Rules updates: new states added to regulations
Knowing and abiding by the local conservation laws is critical to the health of our fisheries and the future of sport angling. We work everyday to get the regulations readily available for salt and freshwater in every state and won't rest until every Fishbrain member can fish with confidence anywhere in the country.
Since the end of summer, Fishbrain added nine new states to our regulations database.
New states (statewide regulations are general for each species across the state. Site specific regulations are for specific bodies of water with specific regulations.)
Georgia (freshwater) - We’ve updated Georgia to include all freshwater. This includes rivers, lakes, creeks, ponds and anything in between.
Indiana - All freshwater fishing regulations for Hoosiers are on Fishbrain
Arkansas - Statewide regulations are available for Arkansas anglers. Check the link in the App to Arkansas official page, however, as some bodies of water have specific regulations. Check the full set of regulations for each species by tapping on a species and following the link to the state regulations.
Maryland (freshwater) - Regulations available statewide for freshwater fishing. Tap each individual species for any specific regulations and a link to the official state regulation page.
Tennessee - Volunteers can now know the regulations statewide for their favorite lake, pond, river, or creek. Tap each species for further information and check the link for special regulations.
Oklahoma - Sooners can find statewide regulations and a link on each individual species for regulations regarding special bodies of water.
Delaware (freshwater) - To go along with salt water regulations, you can now find statewide regulations for freshwater fishing.
Fishing is back and we are thrilled by the energy and anticipation of a new chapter in our angling books. Don’t miss out on any opportunity you have to get on the water and make sure these new features on Fishbrain are with you for every cast. Whether you’re checking out local reports, adding your new gear, identifying a new species, or checking some new regs, when it comes to fishing, Fishbrain is here for you.
Now let’s go fishing. We’ll bring the updated Fishbrain functions.
If you haven't experienced the #1 fishing app worldwide, make sure and check out Fishbrain to see all the fish data, fishing spots, weather conditions you've been missing out on plus much more.