Pier fishing tips


Have a nearby pier to fish from? Check out these tips on making the most out of your pier fishing experience.

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Pier fishing tips

 Pier fishing is its own monster all in itself. Keep in mind, is your pier affected by current? Is your pier controlled by the state you live in?

 Let's take a look at the Sunshine Skyway in Tampa Florida. The world's longest fishing pier.  The Skyway fishing pier is actually the old bridge that spanned Tampa bay. In 1980 a shipping accident caused the Southbound lane to collapse. Why is it important to know this? Well because the debris from this was relocated to piles around the pier.

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Fish like structure!  Knowing what's under the water is very crucial to being a successful fisherman. Structure provides shelter and food. Satellite searches can show debris piles. The Fishbrain app has the capabilities to show the water from a birds eye view.


What is the water doing?  If you know that the structure pile is located to the West but the current is going east your bait will not reach the proper area.  It is very important to know the anatomy of a fish and how water current affects them.  Fishbrain has all Tide information in their app. 

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Target species

Understanding habitat is also important.  What species are you targeting?  Do those species even frequent that habitat?  Once you understand the target species then you will effectively engage them.


A Lot of piers sell bait. From fresh to frozen. It's a good practice to have a backup plan in case of bait being sold out. Talk to people, find out what's hot and what's not.  Your bait can be artificial or live bait. There is a Golden rule to live by! 

 “MATCH THE HATCH.” What that means is, what are the species feeding on. Is it Small bait fish? Is it crustaceans?  

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Presentation is crucial.  Too heavy?  Too light?  That's why it's important to understand current. Fish move with the tides!!!  

Having the right gear is crucial to being successful.  Bigger is not always better. 

How does the bait swim?  If the bait does not look real it's not going to produce results.


Strength and durability.  Saltwater can and will penetrate vulnerable areas.  It is very important to use quality gear.

Terminal tackle is very important. 

Piers are built off the water.  Have a plan on how to safely retrieve your catch. 

Be an Ambassador                                     

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Pier fishing is a great place to meet people.

It's always a good practice to clean up after yourselves.

 Be polite!!!  Sometimes you can learn a lot by just watching what others are doing.

Pier fishing is a great way to try saltwater fishing.  Keep in mind you are limited by your location.  Don't get frustrated if your first time you don't catch anything.  It happens!!!!  It's called fishing, if it were easy they would call it catching. 

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!